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FAQ - General

Frequently asked questions on various topics.

Where can I find this app?

Check out the Installation Guide.

How can I download titles to my device for offline viewing?

  1. Open the title you wish to download the chapters of.
  2. Press the ellipses button and select "Select".
  3. Select the chapters you want to download.
  4. Press "Manage Download" and select "Queue Downloads".

    Repeat the same steps but choose "Remove Downloads" to remove downloaded chapters.

How do notifications work?

Notifications are not supported in version 0.8 of the app. They are planned to return in version 0.9.

How do I export the app logs?

Go to Settings and press "Export logs".

How do I bypass Cloudflare protection?

Press the cloud button in the top-right corner of the Discover tab. This process may need to be done each time the cookies expire, usually somewhere from every app start up to a couple days depending on the extension.

How do I export an extension its logs?

Go to Settings, Extensions. Then select an extension and press "Export logs".

Where can I suggest enhancements?

You can open enhancement suggestions on the GitHub repository, more info on how to do this can be found here.

Please make sure the enhancement was not already suggested before opening an issue.